Visiting the rellies

Tuesday, 4 January 2011

Decided to take the car for a long drive today, so my parents, brother and I headed to Cockle Creek.

Where is that you ask?  If you go any further south in Tasmania, you will be in the World Heritage area of the Tasmanian Wilderness.

My great-great-great grandparents are buried there and we knew the gravestone area needed some clearing. So we took a whipper snipper to clean out the weeds, grasses and ferns growing around the graves. So, please say ‘Hello’ to William Tedman, his wife Mary Ann Tedman nee Swain and their grandson John Edward Louis Evorall.

I have done some research into William and Mary as they both arrived here in the 1800’s as convicts from England.

Do you have any convicts in your family history? What have you found out about them?

My city

Out the window

Monday, 3 January 2011

I was visiting my parents yesterday and snapped this out of their lounge room window. Mt Wellington in the background, Hobart on the western shore  and the yacht race, King of the River,  happening on the Derwent River.

What would I see if I took a photo outside your lounge room window?

Write about the view from your house. Include a photo you have taken.

End of Spring

bottlebrush bloom

Sunday, 2 January 2011

Spring has finished, yet many of the native flowers in Australia are still blooming. This bottlebrush type flower attracts the bees including the bumble bees.

Are there special colours that attract insects to flowers?

What other plants do you know that have a bottlebrush effect?

If you were planning your own garden to attract birds and insects, what flower would you have as a centre piece?

A new beginning

I have decided to take at least one image each day this year and post it to this blog.  So here begins the year 2011.

web cleaning

Saturday, 1 January 2011

A new year beginning and I am learning how to use the various buttons on my camera. I found the macro setting for this image.

This small spider in my garden is cleaning his web and eating the last of his visitors for 2010.

What type of spider is this?

Why are spiders so important in our world?

Write about an incident in your family involving a person and a spider.

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