Windy night

Sunday, 16 January, 2011

Last night we had a lot of wind blowing through our suburb. Above is a photo of the tree across the road from the entrance to my house. It is a Eucalyptus or gum tree as we call them in Australia. Many of the Eucalyptus species have stringy or loose bark that will fly off in a breeze. I have also included the bark as it landed next to my drive.

Do you have any trees that lose bark? Or do you have trees that lose leaves instead? How often do you have to clean up the backyard from all the leaves and bark?

Where do they go?

battery life

Saturday, 15 January 2011

Two weeks into the challenge and I am still keeping up. But so many of the toys and gadgets we use have these little batteries in them that don’t always last the lifetime of the technology they are in.

I have three pieces of technology in my home using batteries – my digital camera,  my keyboard and my mouse. What should we do with these batteries after they have finished their rechargeable life?

What toys do you have in your house that need batteries? What do you do with the batteries when they no longer work?

Doctors and needles

drawing blood

Friday, 14 January 2011

Do you like going to the doctors? Despite being overweight, I rarely have to visit the doctor’s office. So during my school holidays in January, I head there to have my annual checkup. I have a mother with diabetes and high blood pressure and a father with cholesterol problems and I have thyroid problems. So this visit usually ends up with me having to fast overnight to have 2 or more tubes of blood taken out of me the next day.

Then comes the next problem … can we find somewhere that will allow that amount of blood out of the arm? Lots of capillaries close to the surface, but they need to go deeper. Hence the image for today.

Do you like going to the doctor or dentist where you need injections? Why?

Old photos

great grandmother

Thursday, 13 January 2011

I am the family historian in my family. I love doing genealogy and have one line of the ancestors back to a baptism in Bedfordshire, England in 1603. As well as finding information, I am often given lots of photos, often with nothing written on the back of them to identify who is in the photo.

One relative decided to clean out their attic, and lo and behold, there were portraits of my grandfather, great grandfather and great grandmother. Of course, the insects had also found them.

I have spent a lot of money having the portraits fixed and digitally recorded, but I thought I would put the original image on here today.

Do you have a family historian? Do you have lots of photos that don’t have any names on the back?

Little Floods


Wednesday, 12 January 2011

I am sure you have heard about all the flooding in Queensland and Northern New South Wales; affecting an area the size of France and Germany combined.  Luckily I have never experienced a disaster like that – only the bushfires of 1967 in Tasmania.

But last winter, due to heavy rainfall, the people living in my street could hold a regatta on the road – after that we contacted the local council to complain about the water situation. They are now putting in more drains so the water will seep away more easily.

What are some other things the local council is responsible for in your community?



Tuesday, 11 January 2011

It is school holidays here in Tasmania until nearly the middle of February. Often kids have both parents working during at least part of these long holidays. My next door neighbour can occupy his time by using the trampoline. But often, kids don’t know how to entertain themselves unless they are in front of a screen – TV or computer.

As a kid in your holidays, how did you entertain yourself both indoors and outdoors?

Chaos or everything in its place?


Monday, 10 January 2011

Last year, I swapped my computer desk with my nephew as we thought the curved desk would fit more neatly in my office area. My nephew no longer lives at his parents’ home so I am getting back my terrific flat to the wall desk. But first, I have to do some cleaning so I can move this desk out first. I have started cleaning even though you might not think so.

What does your office area look like?

What is the worst household chore you have to do?

Rain, rain go away

rain rain

Sunday, 9 January 2011

Here in Australia there is lots of rain falling especially in Queensland and northern New South Wales. Properties are flooded and towns are cut off by flood waters. In Tasmania, we don’t get devastation like that from wet weather but last night, at my place, there was a sudden torrential downpour for about three minutes. I had never seen rain like that.

What is the worst type of weather you have ever been in?

Guiding and Scouting

Girl Guide badges earned

Saturday, 8 January 2011

Were you or are you a member of the Scouting or Guiding movement begun by Lord Baden Powell early in the 1900’s? Well, today celebrates the 70th year of his death in Kenya in 1941.

I began as a Brownie, then Guide where I earned the highest award – Queen’s Guide.  I also ran Brownies then Guides then Rangers. I represented Australia twice in overseas camps in Fiji and Hong Kong. As an amateur radio operator, I also helped run the annual Jamboree on the air held each October.

I most enjoyed those camps where I stayed up all night talking on the radio to other operators around the world.

What did or do you enjoy about being in an organization like the Scouts or Guides?

Local newspaper

The Mercury stand

Friday, 7 January 2011

Our local newspaper is the “Mercury”. When I did a Google search today, I found there was another newspaper with the same name first published on this date in 1843 in Maitland, New South Wales.

The Hobart Mercury was not issued until 1854.

When is the earliest newspaper in your area?

Can you find the early issues online?

If you were going to publish a newspaper, would it have a theme? What would you name it?

Summer days

Thursday, 6 January 2011

In Australia, summer days are often spent at the beach. These are the views north, south, east and west from the beach which is about 500 metres from where I live.  I don’t like the sun or sand, but prefer going around the rock pools checking out the inhabitants.

What do you enjoy doing at the beach?

Disaster strikes


Wednesday, 5 January 2011

The evening of the 5th January 1975. A bulk ore carrier strikes the pylons of the Tasman Bridge. Twelve people died, including 5 car occupants who went over the edge into the water of the Derwent River.

Has the town or city where you live ever had a disaster?

How did the town cope?

What did they do to survive?

Write about a natural disaster you have heard about. Imagine you or one of your family were in the disaster. How were you feeling?

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