Old photos

great grandmother

Thursday, 13 January 2011

I am the family historian in my family. I love doing genealogy and have one line of the ancestors back to a baptism in Bedfordshire, England in 1603. As well as finding information, I am often given lots of photos, often with nothing written on the back of them to identify who is in the photo.

One relative decided to clean out their attic, and lo and behold, there were portraits of my grandfather, great grandfather and great grandmother. Of course, the insects had also found them.

I have spent a lot of money having the portraits fixed and digitally recorded, but I thought I would put the original image on here today.

Do you have a family historian? Do you have lots of photos that don’t have any names on the back?


  • Hi tasteach, Interesting how one member of the family ends up as its historian – that’s my role too! You can imagine my surprise when I randomly googled my great grandfather’s name and found a picture of his father (same name) on a history site in Tasmania! Turned out he had served in parliament for a short period in the late 1800s and the Tasmanian Historical Society (not sure if I am crediting that correctly) had digitised a whole range of formal portraits of politicians. There I was sitting in front of my computer looking at a portrait of my great, great grandfather… amazing! Am enjoying looking at your photos – well done for keeping up the challenge! Regards, Deb

  • Hi Sue. I’ve been trying to do some family history research but I do find it difficult to research UK records from Australia without spending a large amount of money. I did do a little on one of the genealogy sites and amazingly someone contacted me and he’s turned out to be my 2nd cousin – at least we can share a bit now.

    PS I have added your photo blog to my blogroll 🙂

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