17/366 Running a chat

Let's chat!

A couple of weeks ago, @mgraffin asked if I would mind running a #globalclassroom chat on Twitter.

How difficult could that be, I thought.

Well today  I found out:

  • how alert you have to be
  • that you need to have questions prepared
  • you need to be able to re-tweet quickly

But I think the participants, from many parts of the globe, all shared and received information on how they are connecting their students in a global world by communicating and collaborating.

Here is a link to a Google document where you could add the global projects you have taken part in.

Want to know more about #globalclassroom? Then check out the blog here.

Have you and/or your students taken part in a global project?

Please add a link in the comment section telling us about it.


  • Hi Sue,

    You did fabulous today moderating! Yes, I wonder how many essential questions you’d have to prepare to keep a chat going? I also wonder what sequence you’d have to think through. Would it be best to start with big picture questions then go to specifics then back to the goal and big picture? There is a lot to think about for moderating on Twitter. Thanks for doing that. Glad I saw your tweets so I could join.


    • Think my questions were a bit too specific, didn’t really allow for greater conversation. But having a google doc might have also slowed down some chat as people were adding to that as well.

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